로그로 확인한 EKS autoscaler 동작
2022. 11. 13. 10:19
EKS 에서 필수로 설정하는 Cluster Autoscaler 의 동작을 자세히 살펴보자. 마땅한 소개문서가 없어서 출력되는 로그를 보면서 동작을 분석해봤다.
Cluster Autoscaler Logs 확인
Cluster Autoscaler를 정상적으로 설치했다면 아래 명령어로 log를 확인할수 있다.
$ kubectl logs -f --tail=100 -n kube-system deployment.apps/cluster-autoscaler
로그를 확인해보면, 10초마다 출력된다. 즉, 10초마다 Node의 상태를 확인하고 scale-up/down 을 판단하여 동작한다. 주기를 변경하고 싶다면, "--scan-interval" 옵션으로 변경 가능하다. (아래 help 참고)
Logs 를 살펴보자
전체 로그중 일부를 추려보았다. 로그내용과 파일명을 확인하면 대략적인 의미를 파악할수 있다.
I1113 00:15:10.817120 1 flags.go:57] FLAG: --add-dir-header="false"
I1113 00:15:10.817156 1 flags.go:57] FLAG: --address=":8085"
I1113 00:15:10.817159 1 flags.go:57] FLAG: --alsologtostderr="false"
I1113 00:15:10.817163 1 flags.go:57] FLAG: --aws-use-static-instance-list="true"
I1113 00:15:10.817165 1 flags.go:57] FLAG: --balance-similar-node-groups="false"
I1113 00:15:10.817168 1 flags.go:57] FLAG: --balancing-ignore-label="[]"
I1113 00:15:10.817172 1 flags.go:57] FLAG: --cloud-config=""
I1113 00:15:10.817175 1 flags.go:57] FLAG: --cloud-provider="aws"
I1113 00:15:33.314721 1 auto_scaling_groups.go:378] Regenerating instance to ASG map for ASGs: [asg-xxxx]
I1113 00:15:34.218094 1 auto_scaling_groups.go:152] Registering ASG asg-xxxx
I1113 00:15:36.514816 1 auto_scaling_groups.go:426] Extracted autoscaling options from "asg-xxxxx" ASG tags: map[]
W1113 00:15:46.716934 1 clusterstate.go:432] AcceptableRanges have not been populated yet. Skip checking
I1113 00:15:46.717187 1 filter_out_schedulable.go:132] Filtered out 0 pods using hints
I1113 00:15:46.717634 1 klogx.go:86] Pod pod-xxxxx is unschedulable
I1113 00:15:46.717945 1 scale_up.go:300] Pod pod-xxxxx, predicate checking error: node(s) didn't match Pod's node affinity/selector; predicateName=NodeAffinity; reasons: node(s) didn't match Pod's node affinity/selector; debugInfo=
I1113 00:15:46.717999 1 scale_up.go:449] No pod can fit to nodegroup-xxxx
I1113 00:15:57.814604 1 scale_down.go:444] Node node-xxxxx is not suitable for removal - cpu utilization too big (0.606230)
I1113 00:15:57.814639 1 scale_down.go:444] Node node-xxxxx1 is not suitable for removal - memory utilization too big (0.818781)
I1113 00:15:57.816128 1 cluster.go:148] Fast evaluation: node-xxxx for removal
I1113 00:15:57.816317 1 cluster.go:360] Pod pod-xxxx can be moved to node-xxxx1
I1113 00:15:57.818303 1 scale_down.go:613] 1 nodes found to be unremovable in simulation, will re-check them at 2022-11-13 00:20:57.524027474 +0000 UTC m=+347.106527308
I1113 00:15:57.818342 1 static_autoscaler.go:509] node-xxxxx is unneeded since 2022-11-13 00:15:46.715549789 +0000 UTC m=+36.298049691 duration 10.808477617s
I1113 00:15:57.818359 1 static_autoscaler.go:509] node-xxxxx1 is unneeded since 2022-11-13 00:15:46.715549789 +0000 UTC m=+36.298049691 duration 10.808477617s
I1113 00:15:57.818382 1 static_autoscaler.go:520] Scale down status: unneededOnly=false lastScaleUpTime=2022-11-12 23:15:36.71435708 +0000 UTC m=-3573.703143078 lastScaleDownDeleteTime=2022-11-12 23:15:36.71435708 +0000 UTC m=-3573.703143078 lastScaleDownFailTime=2022-11-12 23:15:36.71435708 +0000 UTC m=-3573.703143078 scaleDownForbidden=false isDeleteInProgress=false scaleDownInCooldown=false
I1113 00:15:57.818397 1 static_autoscaler.go:533] Starting scale down
I1113 00:15:57.818503 1 scale_down.go:829] node-xxxx was unneeded for 10.808477617s
I1113 00:15:57.818517 1 scale_down.go:829] node-xxxx was unneeded for 10.808477617s
I1113 00:15:57.818545 1 scale_down.go:918] No candidates for scale down
cluster-autoscaler help
링크는 cluster autoscaler에서 사용할수 있는 Flag 와 default 값이 정리되어 있다.
not working scaling up / down
Scale 예상처럼 동작하지 않는다면 unremovable node 이거나, scale down status가 만족하지 않았을 경우이다. 해당 로그를 살펴보자.